• What's New at Buckner

Buckner HeavyLift Cranes participates in Habitat for Humanity of Alamance County’s Annual Family Feud fundraising event

On Friday, June 23rd, Buckner HeavyLift Cranes had the honor of participating in Habitat for Humanity of Alamance County’s Annual Family Feud fundraising event. This event was held at the Mebane Community Arts Center in Mebane, NC. 

Team Buckner matched up against the City of Graham for a friendly battle of Family Feud consisting of 5 questions. This was a close battle, but the City of Graham came up ahead to win the matchup. 

There were two more rounds following the first round of Buckner versus the City of Graham. These matchups were the Battle of the Brews with Bright Penny Brewing and Burlington Beer Works and the final match of the Battle of the Blues with Graham Police Department versus Burlington Police Department. 

However, the real competition of the night was who raised the most money towards the ultimate cause of bringing affordable housing to Alamance County. Buckner HeavyLift Cranes is proud to bring home the title of Grand Champion of the First Habitat for Humanity of Alamance County’s Family Feud, raising a total of $1,705! Thank you to everyone who contributed to Team Buckner! 

We look forward to defending our title and belt and supporting Habitat for Humanity in 2024!

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